Weren’t you painting in 3D?

Updates all around, some more photos and paintings and videos and wanderings of all kinds! Here wraps up the last of Amsterdam. More adventures await as Void makes it’s way north again, to Copenhagen, Denmark. I keep telling people, I really don’t know why I’m going to Denmark, but it should be fun discovering why over the next week! It could be just to stick with the spirit of living on islands. In any case, goodbye Netherlands!

Now he could understand why people set fire to their own homes. Fire was clean; cleanliness was a principle that man had otherwise lost.
– Brian Aldiss, Greybeard

One of the characteristics of age was that all avenues of talk led backward in time.
– Brian Aldiss, Greybeard

There’s a level where force is bad, but when you get to the sort of level we are down to, force becomes strength, and then it’s a positive blessing.
– Brian Aldiss, Greybeard

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