Ellipsis | Before Trip

So much said in so few words – how he sums up my thoughts for me! So much I want to say, but language is a terrible tool for me. He has a verbal communication that stirs my creative juices – a prize to listen to, yet so rare an encounter. Struggle on my friend, for you have a world of romance surrounding you. As he once told me that I would make a most excellent post-apocalyptic warlord, all that I can say now is that it would only be true, with him by my side!

Hours upon hours of endless sharing of knowledge has absolutely placed Mitch on this page. He is doing more for me than I could ever ask of a true friend. Without him, this trip would be near impossible to even think about stepping foot outside of New York City. Always watching me create endless works of art, he sits quietly while I explain things to him, like for instance, why there is a hacksaw, paint, a hot glue gun, and a box filled with paper towel and toilet paper rolls in the closet.

Without him, development of the site would be a bit slower, but not only that, my life would be a bit slower! Such is the mind of life that I should meet him thinking he is that interesting old dude in class, only to find out he and I are the same age. From drawing in parks and museums, to crazy driving fiascos, to wicked nights at the beach, he is always there for me and so shall I be for him.

The only person I have known that truly gets what he goes for – no matter how long it takes. I’m not the only person who has observed this. He is always the motivator of those around them. Go for what you want! It is always within reach! Sometimes you have to recalculate your route but if you go in good faith, there is nothing you can’t accomplish. As well in the end, he is there with a banner and balloons, ready to cheer you upon arrival! Or departure for that matter! Well, cheers to you buddy!

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