Half-the-World mark/point/dot

Time to celebrate the half way mark on my map. I have successfully made it from Hawaii to Amsterdam – making this stop my official midway point. I traveled exactly half the world in 6 months – seems like I am perfectly on track. I didn’t even plan to land in Amsterdam on the 1st of June, making it really half the world in 6 months, but I am happy that it randomly worked out that way.

Lots of work will and has been done to the site – updated my World page for new destinations in Europe. Now is the time for setting in stone the final Europe destinations and to get ready to plan Asia. Although still a month and a half away, it is never too early to start thinking about it.

I spent most of the day sitting in a nearby park, waiting to check into my second hostel in Amsterdam – a bit outside the city where I can relax and enjoy myself. It has been quite an adventure so far – looking back on the past 6 months. Now was the time to reflect on what I had learned.

Remember the first and last goodbye
Looking for answers to untie
We traveled the long road
Well, love will often lead us awry
– Tunng, Santiago

“We have a mission; we must serve it, or it won’t serve us.”
– Brian Aldiss, Greybeard

“What the agnostic believed and what the willowy parson believed were not only irreconcilable systems of thought: they were equally valid systems of thought, because somewhere along the evolutionary line, man, developing this habit of thinking of symbols, had provided himself with more alternatives than he could manage.”
– Brian Aldiss, Greybeard

“Perhaps the first fire, the first tool, the first wheel, the first carving in a limestone cave, had each possessed a symbolic rather than a practical value, had each been pressed to serve distortion rather than reality.”
– Brian Aldiss, Greybeard

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