First thoughts in Hawaii

  1. I didn’t hear them at all.
  2. Oh, shit!
  3. Where is Bjorn?
  4. Everything is purple.
  5. Now I know what he wants.
  6. Two in the shot, Gardenia.
  7. I’m not that upset, really.
  8. Hammock of pure awesomeness.
  9. Ugh, now what do you want?
  10. Still neutral, yeah, but funny!
  11. Both my arms don’t work.
  12. Oh, wow – cold!
  13. Until I said I was an English major.
  14. I’m here to change my bed sheets.
  15. The stacks of paper are huge!
  16. At arms length – this is how it goes.
  17. Ok, I’m wrong, it does hurt!
  18. Up already in the silence – volcano island is quiet.
  19. Four hours and I want to see the lava. Ah, and wake Per.
  20. What the hell is my bunkmate doing? Wait… I don’t have a bunkmate… Earthquake!!!
  21. Oh, early to rise to fly.
  22. The Big Island misses you.
  23. Through the tunnels to the café, even the painted shelves joined the fight.
  24. I’m the best alarm clock apparently. Tracing lights through lids.
  25. Honest sans mystery, sparkly news, police on beach chairs outside my apartment.
  26. Sitting outside the bank I just robbed – wondering how to give it all back. Just did it to see if it could be done – yes.
  27. Trying to dislodge the soda can from my throat I looked up and saw the star – Misi, and knew everything was about to change.
  28. The guy in the chair is not sleeping. Let me take a picture.
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