On Route 66 | Crater
Sleeping on Route 66 – off to Meteor Crater. Winslow, Arizona is beautiful! Here are some photos from this adventure – with a bonus at the end. A neat little “hidden” house that seems perfect for me to call home, actually…
Sleeping on Route 66 – off to Meteor Crater. Winslow, Arizona is beautiful! Here are some photos from this adventure – with a bonus at the end. A neat little “hidden” house that seems perfect for me to call home, actually…
After work yesterday I drove up to Flagstaff – meteor crater and the Grand Canyon are not too far off now! Here are some pictures of Sedona and other various locations along the way.
Not one picture taken on our 300 mile drive. I was lucky enough to be allowed to drive Craig’s mustang convertible up to Mt. Lemon and then took the 216 mile drive from Tucson to Phoenix (for tuna sandwiches) and back. It was quite an adventure and I can now say that I have successfully made the trip! Although the speed limit suggested 75 miles per hour, I preferred 90.
Face tanned, lips burned, I’m ready for bed – and then the long work day tomorrow. Toasting with some wine at the moment, we are settling in for a relaxing night.
Wonder what tomorrow will bring!