Abrupt Change Of Plans

When we got to Tucson, things were great – we immediately met up with my friend Brian. The three of us had a great night taking advantage of the pool and hot tub at the hotel but in the morning we found out that Craig had a major emergency he had to attend to. Unfortunately he couldn’t handle it and chose to leave me stranded in Tucson. Being that I wasn’t ready to get home just yet, I stayed in Tucson for the next two weeks.

Brian and I had a ton of fun just hanging out and had lots of laughs with his roommate Jared. His boss Keri and best friend Emery were a blast to be around. They let me use a private office at their place of business for my work and were amazing to treat us out to Sunday brunch, lunches and dinners. I was lucky enough to have rented a red mustang convertible for a week (of course, because they have been an integral part of my trip so why not have one again while here) so I was throwing back and forth the idea of completing the road trip myself, but in the end Keri and Emery convinced me to stay in Tucson and fly back instead.

“The saddle will certainly not fit, such is the imperfection of our transitory life; it will assuredly topple and tend to overset…”
– R. L. Stevenson, Travels with a Donkey in the Cevennes

“…in fact the whole fabric of a man except the red of his blood and the black pigment of his hair, are all made up of transparent, colourless tissue. So little suffices to make us visible one to the other. For the most part the fibers of a living creature are no more opaque than water.”
– H.G. Wells, The Invisible Man

“Death was not the end of pain – to believe in peace was a kind of heresy.”
– Graham Greene, The Power And The Glory

“Here we are, I thought, a bunch of grown-up kids locked in an empty room playing naïve games with each other. No one understands anybody else. We are wandering around in dark caves, holding out little private candles, hoping for some great illumination. I don’t like to think I’m confused or simple-minded as the others, but if I really am more complex, more experienced than they are, why should I want them to understand me?”
– Jerzy Kosinski, The Devil Tree

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Revisits of Past Events

Passing through Flagstaff for a few days, we decided to pass by some old sights and snap a few photos. However, when the wind picks up out there, it always feels like it’s time to leave. With the no trespassing sign and bullet riddled cars, we decided to move on and head south to Tucson where we had Brian waiting for us. For the past month, he has been overjoyed that we would be stopping in town to say ‘Hi’ and have a few nights of fun.

“I have said good-bye to people for greater distances and times, and, please God, I mean to see them yet again.”
– R. L. Stevenson, Travels with a Donkey in the Cevennes

“We live in a composite world, so we can see, while the demon lives in a world in balance and therefore cannot.”
– Tor Norretranders, The User Illusion

“You sense that there is something treacherous hiding behind every reef; no matter how much you explore you won’t ever know what it is.”
– Jerzy Kosinski, The Devil Tree

“Most people are probably looking for lovers with whom they can share basic interests. In my case, I’m looking for someone who can make me feel pain and fear, who can expose my real hang-ups.”
-Jerzy Kosinski, The Devil Tree

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On The Road To Nowhere

Some last minute snaps of the camera were taken before a long sleep, preparing for the next leg of our journey toward Flagstaff, Arizona. Our old stomping ground is next and we were very excited to visit old friends from the beginning of my trip.

“Of what shall a man be proud, if he is not proud of his friends?”
– R. L. Stevenson, Travels with a Donkey in the Cevennes

“Yes, but I grow at a reasonable pace not in that ridiculous fashion.”
– Lewis Carroll, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland

“Explanations take such a dreadful time.”
– Lewis Carroll, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland

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