Wonderful Unexpected Developments

Sune and I met up and we spent nearly the rest of our time in San Diego together. Matt ended up not being with us but it didn’t stop a good time from happening. Starbucks was our best friend, being in walking distance! We were so glad some things were. As fate would have it we found each other so fascinating we have decided to try to develop a relative long distance relationship. I already work on the road and can go anywhere – and he can as well. We already have plans to see each other after I return to New York City. I’m very excited about this! But first I must return to Tucson, Arizona where Brian, Emery, Jared and Keri are expecting me. Back to the place I keep traveling to!

“You want to win the game, of course, and perhaps you want to see the game’s narrative completed.”
– Steven Johnson, Everything Bad Is Good For You

“I find these moments cringe-inducing, because the emotions are so raw, but also bizarrely hypnotic: these are people who have spent the last six months dreaming of a life-changing event, only to find at the last minute that they’ve fallen short.”
– Steven Johnson, Everything Bad Is Good For You

“This is not, incidentally, a universe of pure numbers. Emotions factor as well.”
– Steven Johnson, Everything Bad Is Good For You

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