Arrive in San Diego I did, to have Jared greet me at the airport! A nice ride through to his house we went, where I will stay and work for a few days. I managed to create a painting for him in San Francisco which he loved. I thought it was a little too pink for a guy but he liked it and wanted to keep it. I had meant to send him a small painting in the mail but I needed to feel it at the right moment. Instead I created him a larger one.
I was so tired when we arrived that I needed a nap, but only a short one because Jared needed to go on a photo shoot at a local Christmas parade. Here are some pictures I thought came out pretty cool. I was having trouble again, at the worst of times with my camera, but overall I think it came out pretty successful.
“Everyone knows how different we all are from each other.”
– Michael Specter, Denialism: How Irrational Thinking Hinders Scientific Progress, Harms the Planet, and Threatens Our Lives
“…human beings know more about the world than they can explain via a formal system.”
– Tor Norretranders, The User Illusion