After two flights through two storms (as usual) I have made it to Barcelona, Spain! I need to take note that when I say upon arriving to the hostel, “give me a moment, I have no idea where I am,” I should expect to be told, in all seriousness, exactly where I am. Apparently the joke does not go over well in other countries – as I do know where I am, it is simply that I am exhausted from the travel. I should plan to rephrase this for my next destination. In any case, I am here and getting settled, planning for a new week, in a brand new hostel, in a brand new city that I know nothing about. Here comes the fun part – the new discovery that immediately takes place.
During the flight, as usual, I have finished a new book and have new quotes to contribute to the Table project. This book seems to be coming along rather well!
“But isn’t genius a kind of crime against the routine of the past that our time punishes more severely than crime itself, since scholars die in hospitals bleaker than any prison?”
“But one moment of hesitation, and you are dead.”
“Have confidence, fear nothing, you are still in the midst of life, in history.”
“We are all rough drafts where the genius of one epoch is prelude to a masterpiece that it will probably never execute.”
– Marcel Proust, The Lemoine Affair